The Gathering of the Healers: The Healing of the NationThe Gathering of
the Healers: The Healing of the Nation
Our second book in the
Rasta Heart
Series is now available. It's called
The Gathering of the Healers: The
Healing of the Nation (see description
below). It chronicles the continuation of our journeys with the Rastas of
Jamaica, including our meetings with many reggae stars (Luciano, Morgan
Heritage, Abijah, Tony Rebel, Damian Marley, Julian Marley, etc.), Bob Marley's
wife and mother and the Prime Minister. It is available at less 50% ($7.50) plus
shipping from our Amazon Zshop
at: Also you can visit our Website at: One Love, Robert & Julia Roskind The Gathering of the
Healers: The Healing of the Nation
This is the second in the series
after Rasta Heart: A Journey Into
One Love. It chronicles that events that
lead up to "The Gathering of the Healers:
The Healing of the Nation" press conference held
at the Bob Marley Museum in Kingston, Jamaica on Feb. 4, 2002. At this
conference Julia and Robert Roskind and 7 well-known Jamaican teachers of love
(healers) invited the citizens of Jamaica to be the first country ever to heal
their society with one love. Since then, the murder rate, which had been
climbing for 14 straight months, has dropped
In this new book, you will meet many of Jamaica's best known personalities, including: Cedella Booker (Bob Marley's mother), Rita Marley (Bob's wife), Julian Marley, Damien Marley (Junior Gong), Kymani Marley, Stephanie Marley, Sharon Marley, Luciano, Denroy Morgan (Morgan Heritage), Tony Rebel, Mortimo Planno (Bob's Rasta mentor), Dr. Dennis Forsythe, Antonnette Haughton (Founder of Jamaica's UPP party), Prime Minister Patterson and Opoosition Leader Edward Seaga. An incredible journey! An incredible event! An incredible book! Posted: Wed - March 5, 2003 at 04:11 PM Reggae Books Feedback |
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Total entries in this category: 4 Published On: Apr 13, 2004 03:37 PM |